Jun 26, 2016

Q4. Tell more about death penalty in the U.S.

In the U.S., having or not having the death penalty depends on the state.

States WITH the death penalty:

・New Hampshire
・North Carolina
・South Carolina
・South Dakota
・U.S. Government
・U.S. Millitary

States WITHOUT the death penalty:
・New Jersey
・New Mexico
・New York
・North Dakota
・Rhode Island
・West Virginia
・District of Columbia

The very recent ones that abolished death penalty are: Mexico (2009), Illinois (2011), Connecticut (2012), Maryland (2013), and Nebraska (2015).

・DEATH PENALTY INFORMATION CENTER. http://www.deathpenaltyinfo.org/states-and-without-death-penalty
・NCSL. http://www.ncsl.org/research/civil-and-criminal-justice/death-penalty.aspx

Q3. Which country doesn't have Death Penalty?

I answered to the question, "Which country have Death Penalty?" before, so today, I would like to answer to "Which country DOESNT have Death Penalty?".

Here are the places that outlawed death penalty and (year).

  • Albania (2000)
  • Andorra (1990)
  • Angola (1992)
  • Argentina (2008)
  • Armenia (2003)
  • Australia (1984)
  • Austria (1950)
  • Azerbaijan (1998)
  • Belgium (1996)
  • Bolivia (2009)
  • Bhutan (2004)
  • Bosnia-Herzegovina (1997)
  • Bulgaria (1998)
  • Burundi (2009 )
  • Cambodia (1989)
  • Canada (1976)
  • Cape Verde (1981)
  • Colombia (1910)
  • Cook Islands (2007)
  • Costa Rica (1877)
  • Côte d'Ivoire (2000)
  • Croatia (1990)
  • Cyprus (1983)
  • Czech Republic (1990)
  • Denmark (1933)
  • Djibouti (1995)
  • Dominican Republic (1966)
  • Ecuador (1906)
  • Estonia (1998)
  • Finland (1949)
  • France (1981)
  • Gabon (2010)
  • Georgia (1997)
  • Germany (1949)
  • Greece (1993)
  • Guinea-Bissau (1993)
  • Haiti (1987)
  • Honduras (1956)
  • Hungary (1990)
  • Iceland (1928)
  • Ireland (1990)
  • Italy (1947)
  • Kyrgyzstan (2007)
  • Kiribati (1979)
  • Latvia (2012)
  • Liechtenstein (1987)
  • Lithuania (1998)
  • Luxembourg (1979)
  • Macedonia (1991)
  • Malta (1971)
  • Marshall Islands (1986)
  • Mauritius (1995)
  • Mexico (2005)
  • Micronesia (1986)
  • Moldova (1995)
  • Monaco (1962)
  • Montenegro (2002)
  • Mozambique (1990)
  • Namibia (1990)
  • Nepal (1990)
  • Netherlands (1870)
  • New Zealand (1961)
  • Nicaragua (1979)
  • Niue (n.a.)
  • Norway (1905)
  • Palau (n.a.)
  • Panama (1903)
  • Paraguay (1992)
  • Philippines (2006)
  • Poland (1997)
  • Portugal (1867)
  • Romania (1989)
  • Rwanda (2007)
  • Samoa (2004)
  • San Marino (1848)
  • São Tomé and Príncipe (1990)
  • Senegal (2004)
  • Serbia (2002)
  • Seychelles (1993)
  • Slovakia (1990)
  • Slovenia (1989)
  • Solomon Islands (1966)
  • South Africa (1995)
  • Spain (1978)
  • Sweden (1921)
  • Switzerland (1942)
  • Timor-Leste (1999)
  • Togo (2009)
  • Turkey (2002)
  • Turkmenistan (1999)
  • Tuvalu (1978)
  • Ukraine (1999)
  • United Kingdom (1973)
  • Uruguay (1907)
  • Uzbekistan (2008)
  • Vanuatu (1980)
  • Vatican City (1969)
  • Venezuela (1863)

And, these are the places that outlawed for ordinary crimes and (year).

  • Brazil (1979)
  • Chile (2001)
  • El Salvador (1983)
  • Fiji (1979)
  • Israel (1954)

・infoplease. http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0777460.html

  • Kazakhstan (2007)
  • Peru (1979)

Jun 19, 2016

Q2. Which country have death penalty?

Here are the countries that have death penalty.
Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahamas, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Benin, Botswana, Brunei Darussalam, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, China, Congo, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Guatemala, Guinea, Guyana, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Jamaica, Japan, Jordan, Kenya, North Korea, South Korea, Kuwait, Laos, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Mauritania, Mongolia, Morocco, Myanmar, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Palestinian Authority, Papua New Guinea, Qatar, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Vincent And and The Grenadines, Saint Lucia, Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone, Singapore, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, South Sudan, Swaziland, Syria, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Uganda, United Arab Emirates, United States, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe.Though there are this much of countries that are able to execute, just 21 countries in the world carried out the death penalty in 2012. China has the most highest number of execution, which is thousands in five years but I think this is because of the population in that country. First, I was surprised at the numbers that carries out the death penalty but then when I found the information that says it only carried out in 21 countries, I was surprised again. Articles about facts seems like one person writing with his/her opinion but this cite was from National Geographic so I trust this one.

Death Penalty Statistics, country by country. The Guardian. http://www.theguardian.com/news/datablog/2011/mar/29/death-penalty-countries-world

5 Surprising Facts about The Death Penalty Worldwide. National Geographic. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2013/13/130412-death-penalty-capital-punishment-culture-amnesty-international/

Jun 18, 2016

Q1. List the ways to execute.

Here are the ways to execute:

Lethal Injection, Electrocution, Lethal Gas, Firing Squad, and Hanging are the popular ones now and also, scaphism, guillotine, republican marriage, cement shoes, elephant, walking the plank, bestiarii, mazzatello, upright jerker, sawing, flaying, blood eagle, gridiron, crushing, breaking wheel, the Spanish tickler, burning at the stake, bamboo, premature burial, ling chi, seppuku, brazen bull, Colombian necktie, crucifixion, hanged, drawn and quartered were the ways to execute. 

I heard that the hanging is used to execute in Japan but the government doesn't show further information. On the other hand, the U.S. shows how each state executes in the cite I found. There ware some that I was very surprised and seems really cruel... I trust these two pages I found because it gives us information in detail. 

Methods of Execution. http://www.clarkprosecutor.org/html/death/methods.htm25 of Humanity's Most Brutal Methods of Execution. List25. http://list25.com/25-of-humanitys-most-brutal-methods-of-execution/5/

Jun 16, 2016

News Articles




15 Questions

15 Questions

• List the ways to execute.
• Which country have death penalty?
• Which country doesn't have death penalty?

• Tell more about death penalty in the States.
• When was the first one executed?
• What's the history of death penalty?
• What are the reasons for agreeing the death penalty?

• What are the reasons for disagreeing the death penalty?
• What's the most expensive death penalty?
• What's the least expensive death penalty?
• Who came up with death penalty?
• What were the mistakes?
• How would feel if your relatives were executed?
• What do you think about innocent people executed?
• What is the most cruel way of killing? 

Disadvantages of Death Penalty

I spoke the opposing side of death penalty.
Aaron Galt was talking about disadvantages of death penalty. 

・Some of jury members aren't totally impartial as they decide the death penalty on racial or religious basis.
・Death penalty may reduce crimes but there is no guarantee that the rate of the crime will decrease. 
・Some murders are mentally ill so executing those will be cruel.
・Innocent people may get executed.
・Living in prison for a lifetime may be the best punishment than carrying out the death penalty.
・It depends on the way of death penalty, but mostly it costs more money than keeping one prisoner in the cell.


・Finance Care Online Finance Tips. Lee John. Web. 22, July 2013. http://www.finanacecareonline.com/2013/07/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-death.html?m=1

・Discover Debate. Book. Lubetsky Michael. Language Solutions Inc. 2000.

・HOSBEG. Web. http://hosbeg.com/advantages-disadvantages-capital-punishment-death-penalty/

Jun 9, 2016

Presentaion for the agree side of death penalty

My side of this controversy about death penalty is for death penalty. I will give out few reasons why people who are for death penalty actually agree on this idea.

1. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
This is an old saying from the Code of Hammurabi, saying an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. This means if someone does something wrong, that person should be punished the way how they have done things wrong. People who is for death penalty mostly believe that there is a point in this saying. Also, the execution sometimes makes the victims family or friends feel better. Their anger and sorrow for getting the ones who they really care about will never fade. Howeer, if that criminal gets executed, they might feel less angry.

2.It will reduce the number of crimes.
There are some opinions that it will reduce the number of crimes if we have death penalty. First, death penalty will be a threat to people who has a thought to commit a crime that he or she might get executed if that person actually commits it. If you commit a bad crime, youll get executed. Also, by executing the criminals who had occured horrible crimes, there will be no repeated conviction from that criminal.

3.Having death penalty is cheaper.
This actually depends on each case. However, it is said that there are many cases that death penalty will be cheaper than having the criminal kept living in jail.

From these three points, there are merits to have death penalty.

Most Americans support the death penalty. They also agree that an innocent person might get put to death. (n.d.). Retrieved June 08, 2016, from https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2015/04/17/most-americans-support-the-death-penalty-they-also-agree-that-an-innocent-person-might-get-put-to-death/

5 Arguments For And Against The Death Penalty - Listverse. (2013). Retrieved June 08, 2016, from http://listverse.com/2013/06/01/5-arguments-for-and-against-the-death-penalty/

5 reasons some people think the world needs the death penalty. (n.d.). Retrieved June 08, 2016, from http://www.amnesty.org.au/adp/comments/32961/


Jun 2, 2016

Current Understanding about Death Penalty

What we know about death penalty...
1. The judge decides whether the criminal gets executed.
2. Death penalty is leagal in our country, Japan.
3. There are many ways to perform death penalty around the world.
4. Death penalty can be cheaper than keeping in the cell but it depends.
5. Death penalty can prevent second conviction.
6. Christians are against death penalty.
7. Death penalty always be the controversial issue.