Jun 9, 2016

Presentaion for the agree side of death penalty

My side of this controversy about death penalty is for death penalty. I will give out few reasons why people who are for death penalty actually agree on this idea.

1. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.
This is an old saying from the Code of Hammurabi, saying an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. This means if someone does something wrong, that person should be punished the way how they have done things wrong. People who is for death penalty mostly believe that there is a point in this saying. Also, the execution sometimes makes the victims family or friends feel better. Their anger and sorrow for getting the ones who they really care about will never fade. Howeer, if that criminal gets executed, they might feel less angry.

2.It will reduce the number of crimes.
There are some opinions that it will reduce the number of crimes if we have death penalty. First, death penalty will be a threat to people who has a thought to commit a crime that he or she might get executed if that person actually commits it. If you commit a bad crime, youll get executed. Also, by executing the criminals who had occured horrible crimes, there will be no repeated conviction from that criminal.

3.Having death penalty is cheaper.
This actually depends on each case. However, it is said that there are many cases that death penalty will be cheaper than having the criminal kept living in jail.

From these three points, there are merits to have death penalty.

Most Americans support the death penalty. They also agree that an innocent person might get put to death. (n.d.). Retrieved June 08, 2016, from https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2015/04/17/most-americans-support-the-death-penalty-they-also-agree-that-an-innocent-person-might-get-put-to-death/

5 Arguments For And Against The Death Penalty - Listverse. (2013). Retrieved June 08, 2016, from http://listverse.com/2013/06/01/5-arguments-for-and-against-the-death-penalty/

5 reasons some people think the world needs the death penalty. (n.d.). Retrieved June 08, 2016, from http://www.amnesty.org.au/adp/comments/32961/


1 comment:

  1. I'm pleased that you used such recent sources and you summarized the leading reasons for having the death penalty well.
